作者: 来源: 日期:2015/8/30 12:58:43 浏览量:63(滞后) 人气:LOADING...(实时) 【


parent property

The parent property is a syn, sibling frames can refer to that frame using parent.homeFrame or parent.frames[3].

You can use parent.parent to refer to the "grandparent" frame or window when a <FRAMESET> tag is nested within a child frame.

The parent property is read- NAME="passwordName" [VALUE="http://www.dedecms.com/web-art/htmlbase/Javascript/20020827/textValue"] SIZE=integer>NAME="passwordName" specifies the name of the password object. You can access this value using the name property.
VALUE="http://www.dedecms.com/web-art/htmlbase/Javascript/20020827/textValue" specifies the initial value of the password object. You can access this value using the defaultValue property.
SIZE=integer specifies the number of characters the password object can accommodate without scrolling.

To use a password object''s properties and methods:

1. passwordName.propertyName2. passwordName.methodName(parameters)3. formName.elements[index].propertyName4. formName.elements[index].methodName(parameters)
passwordName is the value of the NAME attribute of a password object.
formName is either the value of the NAME attribute of a form object or an element in the forms array.
index is an integer representing a password object on a form.
propertyName is one of the properties listed below.
methodName is one of the methods listed below.

Property of

  • form


    A password object on a form looks as follows:

    Enter your password:

    A password object is a form element and must be defined within a <FORM> tag.


  • defaultValue reflects the VALUE attribute
  • name reflects the NAME attribute
  • value reflects the current value of the password object''s field


  • focus
  • blur
  • select

    Event handlers

  • None.




  • form and text objects

    pathname property

    A string specifying the url-path portion of the URL.


    1. links[index].pathname2. location.pathname

    index is an integer representing a link object.

    Property of

    link, location


    The pathname property specifies a portion of the URL. The pathname supplies the details of how the specified resource can be accessed.

    You can set the pathname property at any time, although it is safer to set the href property to change a location. If the pathname that you specify cannot be found in the current location, you will get an error.

    See Section 3.1 of RFC 1738 for complete information about the pathname.


    See the 例子 for the href property.


  • hash, host, hostname, href, port, protocol, search properties

    PI property

    The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, approximately 3.14159.



    Property of



    Because PI is a constant, it is a read-only property of Math.


    The following example displays the value of pi:

    document.write("The value of pi is " + Math.PI)


  • E, LN2, LN10, LOG2E, LOG10E, SQRT1_2, SQRT2 properties

    port property

    A string specifying the communications port that the server uses for communications.


    1. links[index].port2. location.port

    index is an integer representing a link object.

    Property of

    link, location


    The port property specifies a portion of the URL. The port property is a substring of the host property. The host property is the concatenation of the hostname and port properties, separated by a colon. When the port property is not defined, the host property is the same as the hostname property.

    You can set the port property at any time, although it is safer to set the href property to change a location. If the port that you specify cannot be found in the current location, you will get an error. If the port property is not specified, it defaults to 80 on the server.

    See Section 3.1 of RFC 1738 for complete information about the port.


    See the 例子 for the href property.


  • hash, host, hostname, href, pathname, protocol, search properties

    pow method

    Returns base to the exponent power, that is, baseexponent.


    Math.pow(base, exponent)
    base is any numeric expression or a property of an existing object.
    exponent is any numeric expression or a property of an existing object. If the result would include an imaginary number (for example pow(-1, 0.5)), then the value returned is always zero.

    Method of



    //Displays the value 49document.write("7 to the power of 2 is " + Math.pow(7,2))//Displays the value 1024document.write("<P>2 to the power of 10 is " + Math.pow(2,10))


  • exp, log methods

    prompt method

    Displays a Prompt dialog box with a message and an input field.


    prompt(message, [inputDefault])
    message is any string or a property of an existing object; the string is displayed as the message.
    inputDefault is a string, integer, or property of an existing object that represents the default value of the input field.

    Method of



    Use the prompt method to display a dialog box that receives user input. If you do not specify an initial value for inputDefault, the dialog box displays the value <undefined>.

    Although prompt is a method of the window object, you do not need to specify a windowReference when you call it. For example, windowReference.prompt() is unnecessary.


    prompt("Enter the number of cookies you want to order:", 12)


  • alert, confirm methods

    protocol property

    A string specifying the beginning of the URL, up to and including the first colon.


    1. links[index].protocol2. location.protocol

    index is an integer representing a link object.

    Property of

    link, location


    The protocol property specifies a portion of the URL. The protocol indicates the access method of the URL. For example, a protocol of "http:" specifies Hypertext Transfer Protocol, and a protocol of "javascript:" specifies JavaScript code.

    You can set the protocol property at any time, although it is safer to set the href property to change a location. If the protocol that you specify cannot be found in the current location, you will get an error.

    The protocol property represents the scheme name of the URL. See Section 2.1 of RFC 1738 for complete information about the protocol.


    See the 例子 for the href property.


  • hash, host, hostname, href, pathname, port, search properties

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